Sunday 22 November 2015

Unspeakable things - FOR PRAYER

Last week I was privileged to attend a prayer summit for children in the Middle East. I had been asked to represent Viva and had been given a 45 minute speaking slot. I have to confess that coming from Oxford I felt a slight fraud that I had been invited to address the mostly Arab speaking attendees.

Who was I as a westerner and a woman at that - to speak to majority Middle Eastern men about children. As I prayed and prepared I sensed a message forming…...
I realised that Oxford is not that far removed from the Middle East. The UK and Europe are now enveloped in engagement with the Middle East through the multitude of refugees currently fleeing the horrors of International conflict and terrorism.  I have personal involvement in a local school which is highly regarded for it's multi cultural flavour and identity. Within this school there is a both a muslim prayer space and a christian prayer space. Living in Oxford we face the daily challenge of loving our neighbours……those who may think very differently and whose cultures and ways of thinking may even oppose our own.

How do we develop a heart of worship and obedience in response to God within our families, communities, churches and children's ministries? The answer to this question is very much the same whether living in Oxford or Cairo and issues regarding children at risk within the Middle Eastern world are touching on our lives and becoming our problems here in Europe as we embrace refugees and displaced families. Our challenge is to love as Jesus loved and to walk as Jesus walked - with an ear to The Father of every family named under heaven and earth and a willingness to obey His voice. (Ephesians 3 v 14-19)

Outside of the prayer summit I had the honour of meeting some true champions for children at risk in the region. As I listened to their stories I began to hear of unspeakable things that happen on a daily basis to children. As I listened my conscience was pricked. A few years ago I had done some unofficial 'research' into what people thought to be the biggest issues facing children in the region. The shocking, virtually unanimous response, was that the majority of children are sexually abused. Here I was hearing it again…..

Several times last week I found tears flowing as I heard of young boys who were used as 'dancers' to satisfy the sexual cravings of sexually repressed men. I heard of young girls being made to wear white dresses again and again in the farcical enactment of being 'married' so that the 'abuse' could be reasoned as 'acceptable'…..and I felt sickened as I learnt of the death of innocence and childhood and more - the loss of life through warped and depraved sexual acts done to children. (We're talking children as young as 6 -7 years old)

There is good news….even GREAT news. I caught a glimpse of God's heart of love and passion for the lost sons and daughters through the lives of some AMAZING champions who are acting on behalf of abused children. We need to pray for these precious 'mothers and fathers'…..for their protection, for favour, for governmental influence, that they will be free to speak on behalf of 'the child' and that they will be heard. May justice prevail against perpetrators of child sexual abuse as these issues come into the light. Pray that there will be enough concern raised around this regional issue that legislation is put in place, that surveys are done and statistics accrued to expose the 'hidden' and 'unspoken' evil of child sexual abuse. I urge you to pray with me that the government of God and His Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as in heaven.

As we approach Christmas I leave you with this encouragement - and as a prayer pointer for the issues raised -

For unto us a chid is born.
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called 
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of peace
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgement and justice
From that time forward, even forever.

Isaiah 9 v 6-7

Thursday 2 July 2015

Are our children ready?

Unless you are one of those people who home school your children, don't have access to internet or television and refrain from having newspaper in your home, the chances are that your children will have been exposed to stuff that you would rather they weren't.

Living in the UK and as a foster carer I'm aware that in the interests of protecting children and keeping childhood safe, there is much I would like to prevent children from knowing. The fact is though - they do seem to find out. About sexuality issues, about war, about starvation, about ISIS…and the list goes on! Governments are now starting to dictate that children SHOULD know about certain stuff and would argue it's in a child's interests to know, about abuse, about sex in all it's various forms, about getting an abortion, about getting injections, the list goes on.  There is a subtle disempowerment of parents that has been taking place beneath our noses.

Sounds worrying eh?
Now for the better news….as we turn to the ancient script - our manual for life as God intended.
Here's a significant bit of history for you -
Thousands of years ago there was a young boy whose parents were followers of God. His name was Daniel. Around the same time there was a prophet, a seer called Jeremiah who warned this people group following after God that things were about to get tough and that they would be taken into captivity. Many didn't believe the prophet and carried on as normal thinking that all was well. Those who did believe were able to prepare their hearts and families for what was about to happen.
I reckon Daniel's family were one such family. They prepared themselves and him for captivity, teaching him to trust in the Lord and not fear.

The reason I 'suppose' this is because I can see no other reason why a young boy of say 14 would be able to withstand being taken into a Godless country and yet still remain in communion and relationship with God. Confidently so, if you read the full story of Daniel's life. It's a remarkable story.

I believe we live in days where there are 'signs of the times' happening all around us. If we are followers of Jesus and God's word then we would do well to take our children on the journey of faith through trials and difficulties - as Daniel's parents did. Rather than hide truth from him, they built up his faith and confidence that God was GOD!

I believe that hiding reality from children is unwise and I'd even go so far as to say - could rob them of the joy of knowing Father God in the midst of pain and suffering, and the adventure of faith through difficulty. I remember hearing the response of a church leader in New Orleans after the floods. When asked what he might have done differently, knowing what he now knew, his answer was - 'I would have prepared the children'.

I also remember speaking with a mother from Yemen around the time when Christian believers were being routed out of the region, women raped and families murdered in front of each other. With tears in her eyes she shared that she had prepared her two young girls by telling them that they may see a lot of blood but that soon they would be with Jesus…….

This is harrowing stuff to write about but with many western Nations now on high alert for terrorist attacks, we would be having our head in the sand to do nothing in preparation for what many believe is inevitable. Britain is considered under severe threat, that means a terrorist attack is highly likely.

My aim of writing is not to be a scaremonger but one who sounds the alarm to prepare ourselves in Christ - full of His love - ready to declare the gospel message that many will want and need to hear in the near future, and our children can be part of that! Just as Daniel was.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Yes it's Sunday and I haven't been to church!

Google 'church' and in 0.34 seconds you'll get 1,030,000,000 results! Mostly the images show the standard traditional building one comes to expect when one hears the word church. Having been born into a clerical family and being a pastors kid I was used to Sunday being the day when we went to 'church' -  for many years I went three times a day! When I turned my back on my faith as a teenager, the 'not going to church' thing was the hardest thing to shake off- old habits die hard! On hindsight I realise now that my 'faith' had become built around 'church' and the religious habit of 'worship' without the daily relationship and engagement with an awesome God who is in fact the creator and Father of all mankind.

Today things are different - Along with a hunger for gaining wisdom, understanding and revelation of God's love through the ancient book, there are many people who have been alongside me helping shape and influence the faith I hold to.  These people make up the 'body' that is representative of Jesus on earth.

So today being Sunday I have a day of rest and my heart turns to worship and my heart is FULL and thankful! I've been pondering all the people and circumstances that have come my way to help shape my life and create the person I am so far. I want this blog to be my act of worship in thankfulness to God for who He has connected me with over the years and how they have impacted my life. 

When I first encountered Father's grace and mercy and like the prodigal, returned to HOME to him, I was in Uni and it was the friends I made in the Christian fellowship that helped me engage on a day to day basis with a Father who was GOOD and GOD and wanted to share in our lives. I found a devotional book by Oswald Chambers whose daily nuggets fed my hungry heart and challenged my warped and often selfish thinking. I came across the worship of Keith Green whose music I listened to for days on end and which helped me learn to be a true worshipper. I read the book by his wife Melody after he was tragically killed in an aeroplane accident. I also read 'Out of the salt shaker' by Rebecca Manley Pippert and was hugely impacted by the challenge of sharing the good news.

Later when I married Brian we did 'officially' join a church - Our years with 'The Rainbow Church' were full and vibrant. Adrian and Pauline Hawkes were radical leaders for the 1980's and we were so blessed to walk alongside them and learn from them.  I remember a message preached at the beginning of one new year where Adrian laid out a 'manifesto' - how we can influence every sector of society. He encouraged the call upon many of us to be involved with education, retail, media etc and to dream BIG in God. Imagine that today - followers of Jesus who model His unconditional love and grace found across all sectors of society? This couple walked the talk and I credit much of our thinking today down to their model and influence. When we first got involved working globally with children at risk, it was the fact they had modelled fostering that enabled us to think in a micro / macro way and even consider becoming foster carers ourselves. 

Once our girls were born we were released and 'sent' to go to Oxford to work for Viva and a whole other world of Kingdom relationships opened up. Patrick and Emily MacDonald were a young couple who were following the call of God and it was a pleasure to stand alongside them and other radical lovers of Jesus and children to serve their vision. We found a local church who were so supportive of us and the work we were involved with  - Terry and Gwen Macmillan modelled such grace as leaders in enabling us to tuck under their wings, loving us, supporting and serving unconditionally. For them and others from 'Living Stones' we will remain always grateful. Although the church no longer meets as a 'church' officially, we still remain connected relationally with many precious ones who are part of God's HUGE family and we consider to be brothers and sisters.

Our time in Oxford has connected us relationally with many believers who we continue to meet with from time to time, often through divinely orchestrated circumstances. We have been so privileged to connect with Kingdom champions from around the world. There are too many to name individually but as I think of them now I pray for increase and blessings to govern their lives. The joy is that we observe great fruitfulness out of our friendships and Kingdom connections.

Now we are older we have the privilege of sharing our lives with other younger believers and for this I am also full of thanks. The 'Wellspring' group of artists, musicians, students and passionate lovers of Jesus who we've most recently connected with brings joy to my heart. It's not officially a recognised 'church' but our hearts and lives are becoming knit together with these precious sons and daughters who we seem to have the privilege of championing on in the faith. Interestingly this group of believers also connects us back relationally to our original 'sending' church and I honour and bless Dave and Sue Wisker and the New River church in Edmonton, London who we love to bits and who continue to love and encourage us too:-)  

Finally, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the many ministries who we tap into for prayer, teaching and ongoing encouragements. The Prayer Foundation here in the UK with Rod and Julie Anderson, Glory of Zion in Texas with Chuck Pierce, Revival Fires, Bethel sermon of the week podcasts, IHOP Kansas City, Aslans Place with Paul Cox and The Sapphire leadership group with Arthur Burke.

Every Sunday when I speak to my mum she always asks me if I've been to 'church'.
This post is for you Mum! As I've recalled those to whom I'm thankful to God for, this has been my act of worship this morning - my heart if FULL of praise to a God who is raising up His ecclesia across the earth - (The Church)

Thursday 3 April 2014

Do not be anxious...

…….instead, pray. Pray about everything…

If that statement makes you angry, cringe, huff or feel like switching blog then PLEASE bear with me a moment longer.

If you felt any of the above responses to the suggestion prayer is the answer, then I would assume one of two things.
a) You do not believe in God and do not have a 'faith', in which case feel free to pass by this blog.
b) Your God/faith is limited, in which case I invite you to read on:-)

Where does our 'faith' come from? and in whom do we believe? and who are we praying to?

Last Sunday I was asked to lead children in preparation of hearts to worship God. I knew that the children's view of God would either help or limit their heart engagement with Him so I took some time to examine with them the description of the heavenly courts in Revelation 4 to see the sort of things that surround God in all His glory. Things that are out of this world and beyond our human understanding or comprehension. We pray and worship in this context, beyond the earthly realm to engage with the heavenly realm.

The difficulty comes in not being able to see this realm and here is where I normally ask the children to think about wind. When I asked if they could actually see the wind they began to describe the things the wind did, but quickly realised that they weren't truly seeing the wind, only it's effects. Does this mean we don't believe in the wind? Many of the children had previously sensed God's presence and power, so it was relatively easy as we then came in praise, worship and prayer to engage with this invisible realm. 

The ability to do this expands our view beyond ourselves and helps us receive the deep and profound truths of God's love, care and desire to love us and know us intimately. To know the fullness of these truths involves reading and discovering a bit more from the most ancient of books.….the Bible. The more we know and understand, the deeper our revelation is in prayer. Revelations of God's peace, love and perfect plan CRITICALLY extend beyond the here and now and reach into eternity. Living with the knowledge that there are things we won't fully comprehend this side of heaven helps us trust and cast our cares on the one who cares for us. Prayer really can be the cure to all our anxieties. 

If you desire to grow in the practise of prayer but have always found the Bible a bit of a tough read, then I highly  recommend a recent translation called 'The Voice'.

Philippians 4 v 6-7

'Keep your gentle nature so that all people will know what it looks like to walk in Jesus footsteps. The Lord is ever present with us. Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.'

Thursday 31 October 2013

Let's have our Father's eyes!

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to speak at a church about what the bible has to say about family and somehow relate that to my experience of fostering children.

Firstly I felt to point out that there is nothing new under the sun! From the very beginning when sin entered the world, family has been in a mess. A brother killed a brother!! Think about that!
There must have been some resentment, jealousy and strong feeling there!

The ancient book is a helpful place to look at family as it follows the story of one family in particular. By the time we get to the third generation and Jacob's family we find some huge unresolved issues.
I've met a lot of families while being a foster carer but I have yet to meet a family as messed up and complicated as Jacobs.
Jacob marries 2 sisters because he is tricked into marrying the not so good looking one first. Both sisters are set against each other from the outset with good cause for jealousy and resentment. Sister 1 (the not so good looking one), manages to have children but sister 2 has difficulty having children even though she desperately wants them.
Sister 2  (the good looking one) is the one who Jacob REALLY loves, so sister 1 has cause to have feelings of inadequacy and rejection causing her to be deeply jealous. She starts naming her sons to reflect the process and journey she's on.
It's a long story in which both sisters end up arranging for their personal maids and 'home help' to sleep with Jacob so that they continue to 'have' children.  Children are used in a point scoring way for the sisters to get oneupmanship over each other. Can you imagine being one of those children? No wonder by the time the 11th child is born, the family is full of unspoken and complex feelings, a steaming pot of jealousy and unresolved anger. We know this because we read that the 11th child was also the one favoured by Jacob. The next generation of children were growing up in an atmosphere of jealousy and competitiveness. All this resulted in them trying to get rid of brother number 11 for good.
It's a fascinating story in the ancient book - worth reading because the story continues and we see that God never gives up on this family.

All this brings me to the second point - that no matter how messy - 'Mercy triumphs over judgement.'
There is hope for all families in the earth.  God loves us and wants the very best for us. God is good and merciful and full of kindness. He never gave up on this family, He has loved them over the years and still has purposes for them. As we become part of God's family through being adopted as sons through Jesus having made a way - so we are forgiven and changed into His likeness and our own families can benefit.
Transformation of our families can only come when we allow God's mercy and love to triumph over judgement. Seeing the best in everyone because we are made in God's image. There is always something of God's image in us no matter how defiled or tarnished that image may get.

We have fostered many children from different families over the years. Our prayer has always been that the image of God and His original design would be released in them and through them. Often times there have been curses placed over their lives through spoken words. Our generational lines carry both curses and blessings and as we have prayed for babies, toddlers, children and teenagers, our prayer has been that God would release them from curses and that generational blessings would flow to them.
We have experienced the joy of being able to speak life giving words over young wounded hearts and on many occasions have seen restoration and healing come.

Whether our own families are a mess and need to be released into blessings or whether we are involved in caring for children and youth with wounded hearts and defilement in their generational lines, there is a message of HOPE.

My third and final point was to encourage people to be life giving with their words. As part of God's family we know that He is a Father in heaven whose heart is that none should perish. As we walk in Him let us have our Father's eyes, for everyone we meet. As we ask the Holy Spirit to help us truly love and forgive as our Father in heaven truly loves and forgives us, so we have great cause to JUMP for JOY!

Friday 11 October 2013

With a Hop, Skip and a JUMP!

So we've hopped into the ancient book and heard about creation and seen that it was GOOD and got messed up. We've skipped into the second part of the ancient book which gives us the good news that God sent Jesus into the world to make a way that the mess could get fixed and we're now about to jump for joy at the unfolding plan that includes you and me!

There's plenty of reasons to jump for joy because Jesus really made a way that we could partner with him to continue working in the mess of the world to bring about God's heavenly Kingdom plan. Jesus told his friends that they were to wait for the Holy Spirit.  Things were never the same after Jesus rose up from  the dead. We now live in a world where, with the help of God's Holy Spirit in us, we can have great adventures as we learn to walk and work with God's Spirit and be obedient to His supernatural leadings.

The rest of these blogs will be telling up to date stories of how God has been working in our lives to help change the mess, causing people to jump for JOY that our amazing, loving God wants to partner with us to help people get free of MESS and enjoy living in His Kingdom of love.

Praying that God's Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven........

Friday 30 August 2013

With a skip!

The great news in the ancient book is that God made a way that people could return to knowing the goodness and love of God, the way He originally intended.

The only way He could do this was by coming to earth HIMSELF in the form of a man. This meant that  he could show mankind His love and make a way for man to be as He originally created him to be.
There are many stories in the ancient book which lead up to  God coming to earth in the form of man. Supernatural stories of people who trusted in God and were friends with God.
God so loved the world that He came in bodily form as Jesus.

The fact that a man named Jesus lived on earth and did many amazing miracles has been shown to be true through historical accounts of the time. This is not a fairy story! The ancient book is full of stories of how God through Jesus showed His love and kindness towards humanity. Jesus showed us what God's 'world', His Kingdom is like. It might surprise you......

The only way the mess of the world could get sorted, was through Jesus showing the better way, winning over mistrust, death and destruction.  Jesus' acts of love, humility and obedience to his Father in heaven showed us the true way to a world where there can be healing and forgiveness.
It was a hard way and it cost him everything. Jesus - son of God, died a painful death, he was perfect but took on our messiness and imperfectness. He gave up his life because he loved us.

He lived a supernatural life - to show us that we could
He died a supernatural death -  to show us that we could

The most amazing thing happened. Although Jesus was well and truly dead. He had been buried in a tomb with a large stone rolled over the doorway to close it off, the ancient book tells us that he rose from the dead.
 One minute version of what happened. 
Jesus showed that even death can be overcome when we trust in God and His love. The ancient book tells us that all we have to do is say sorry for the mess. People call this 'sin'. Anything that has fallen short of God's best for us is sin or mess. Believing God sent his son Jesus and saying sorry for the mess through a simple prayer is all it takes to be free from mess. Trusting that through Jesus we can become new creations, 'born' again into God's Kingdom leads us into a whole new world......

Are you ready to JUMP into God's Kingdom?